MACC Marketing Request System
Moberly Area Community College
MACC Marketing Request System
Submit a ticket
Event Attendance Request
Submit a Support Request
Required fields are marked with
Event Title:
Who is the event for? (public/students/staff/faculty/other):
What is the purpose of the event?
When will the event take place?
Where will the event take place? (campus location, off campus (include address), online, not a "formal event", etc.):
Indicate whether the event will be recurring or one-time.
One time
Please describe the frequency if it is recurring:
Date of Event:
Who will be representing MACC at this event?
I need a Student Affairs representative to attend
Someone from my Department/Program will attend
Maximum 5 attachments
SPAM Prevention
What color is snow? (give a 1 word answer to show you are a human)